Survey Manager

Maintenance Connection includes a Survey Manager tool that allows your organization to solicit feedback from service requesters regarding their satisfaction with completed work. Surveys can be set up as an option in the Service Requester or can be more proactively solicited through an email. The Survey Manager tool allows you to customize the questions asked and view survey results.

Customers with on site installations of Maintenance Connection must have the Survey feature enabled before using it. Contact MC Support if the Survey feature needs to be enabled at your organization.

Refer to the following sections for general information about setting up the Survey feature. For complete instructions on setting up the survey feature, including instructions for generating proactive emails to your requesters, refer to the Survey Setup Document available in Accruent Access.

ClosedSetting Up Survey for Use in Service Requester

The Service Requester can be configured to allow requesters to initiate a survey on closed work orders. This approach does not prompt users through an email notification, but does allow them to use a link in the Service Requester to provide feedback.

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the Main Menu.

    The Preferences for the currently accessed module will be displayed.

  2. Click the Work Order folder in the Module/Category menu on the left.

    The page refreshes, displaying preferences for the Work Order module.

  3. Scroll to the Defaults section.

  4. Select the Default Survey option.

  5. Select an available survey from the Current Value dropdown.

    The options displayed reflect the surveys defined to date in the Survey Manager.

    • If a value is selected, every corrective work order (non-PM-generated work order) will be attached to the specified survey.

      This flag can be seen on the Survey indicator on the Work Order Details page. Once the work order is closed, it will be listed on the Service Requester Submit Survey page, allowing requesters to submit survey feedback. In most organizations, the default Maintenance Connection Survey is used.

    • If no value is selected, work orders will not be attached to a survey and will not be displayed on the Service Requester Submit Survey page.

  6. Click Apply.


  7. Click Close.

    The window closes.

  8. To enable the Survey link in the Service Requester:

    1. Select Tools > Work Order > Service Requester Configuration from the Main Menu.

      The Service Requester Configuration window opens.

    2. Select the Submit Feedback / Surveys page check box.

    3. Click Save.


      Once the Survey link in the Service Requester has been enabled, the requester can submit a survey by clicking the Submit Feedback / Surveys option. Work orders submitted by the user that have recently closed display. To complete a survey for a work order, the user should click the displayed Work Order #.

ClosedSurvey Manager Window

The Survey Manager can be used to create and design surveys and report against survey results. The section that follows provides a general guide to using the survey manager. Refer to the Survey Setup Document available in Accruent Access for additional details.

To access the Survey Manager:

  • Select Tools > Work Order > Surveys from the Main Menu.

    The Survey Manager displays, providing the following information and options for each survey:

    • Status Designation: A toggled field to indicate that the survey is either Opened or Closed. Clicking on the current value toggles it to the alternate value.

    • Survey Title: The title of the survey. Clicking the hyper linked title brings forward a preview of the survey.

    • Created: The date the survey was created.

    • Responses: The number of responses received from the survey.

    • Options button: Accesses the Options window. You can use this window to set options such as the title, introduction, completion message, page numbering, and general settings.

    • Design button: Accesses the survey designer, where you can design the content of the survey, including question types and answers.

    • Preview button: Displays the survey in a Preview window as it would appear to the user.

    • Print button: Displays the survey in a Preview window with an option to print.

    • Take button: Displays the actual survey in a form that can be completed so that you can view the survey from a user's perspective.

    • Reports button: Accesses a Survey Report window, where you can view a summary of the results or detailed responses. Individual responses are also available in the window. If no responses have been recorded for the survey, the Reports button does not display.

    • Clear button: Allows you to clear the responses currently stored for the survey. If no responses have been recorded for the survey, the Clear button does not display.

    • Delete button: Allows you to delete the survey.

    • Survey URL: The URL to be used if proactive emails will be distributed to requesters.